
11second club February final entry

Hi there, I've finally managed to finish my February animation. A bit challenging but fun as well. I've learned a couple of new tricks, so I really hope I'll use them on my future works.


Run cycle

Here is a run cycle that I've done for my future demo reel. Still not rendered, but you can have an idea of the final work.


February blocking pass

Good evening, it's Sunday night, and I ve found a couple minutes to work on my animation February's entry. Here's my blocking pass, with the lipsynch on the characters.



Hi, here's a model I've recently been working on, he's called Marco, and may be used for a future personal project. All the modeling , texturing and rigging was done in two months during my spare time. The initial concept designs are from a good friend "Mike the Jedi"


11 seconds club old animation

I haven't submitted anything since my last participation in september. I was working on the october contest, finished it but couldn't render it in time.
Here is how it looked like.

I'm back

Hey, nearly 4 months gone and nothing really new in my blog. My bad.
The last semester at uni had some intensive work, but I managed to stay alive. I'm back now and will do my best to post something as possible as I can.
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