
Lipsync blocking

The serious stuff has finally started :)
Last week we were busy with the facial animation blocking of our shot.
I tried to have all of the basic shapes working, but haven't really started to animate the eyebrows.
Here are the main things that I still need to change :
- My hands still feel masculine. The character rig has big hands, so I was suggested to avoid to show them in a completely open position
- My hips could be moving a bit more, especially when she says
- The breathing at the beginning doesn't look natural at all. What I did was just scalling up the upper part of the spine, which isn't really what's happening when somebody is breathing.
- My mouth shapes are a bit exagerated, especially with the "o" sound. Toning them down by not rolling the lips so much will probably help.
- I think that changing my last pose so that it doesn't look like the first pose in the shot will work better too.

Those are the main things that I'll be refining for my next version.


Francis Jasmin said...

Salut, comment ça va ?
C'est moi Francis,

Je te donne l'adresse d'un site (pas encore) fini sur lequel je travaille depuis quelques temps (et quelquesssss heuressss).

Je t'avais écris un E-mail il y a quelques jours, n'ayant pas eu de réponse je me suis dit que je vais t'écrire ici au cas ou tu lis t'es mail à chaque 3 mois ;)


Voilà l'adresse, tu me dira tu en pense quoi... Si tu peux ouvre le avec Firefox, ou sinon il va y a avoir quelques bugs.


Krzysztof Boyoko said...

Hey Francis,
Salut, je vais très bien et j espère que c est pareil de ton coté.

Je viens a peine de t envoyer un mail, lis le vite et dis moi ce que t en penses.
A plus,

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