
Class 307 : High bar accident - Final polish

I finally finished this exercise last week. I've really tried to push it from what I had the previous week and thanks to the many feedback that I received a lot of things are looking better now. I wish I had an extra few days to refine it a bit more, especially at the very end where the body crashes on the floor. I'll probably do it on my free time.


Francis said...

Hey its me again :P

Your shot became pretty good,

For the landing you could take a look at this DemoReel, that guy is working at the same place I work (althrough i never meet him), check his reel, at 1:29 he have a pretty good landing in term of "doing something with every frame"


Krzysztof Boyoko said...

Really interesting work Francis.
Thanks again for the link.
I'll probably do another version with a better landing because I didn't get was I was intending to do in the beginning.
Thanks again and talk to you soon.

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