
John Carter shot breakdown

A shot breakdown from the movie John Carter. The final result looks so realistic but it's all keyframe animation.


Tangled shot breakdown

Those 2 videos have been online for a while but I really wanted to repost as it really inspires me to see how other animators work ( also because the animation on that movie was amazing :)  )
The first one is a shot progress from Jamall Bradley, and  the other one from Joe Bowers, 2 very good animators who worked on Disney's Tangled


Say what you mean with body language

It's been a while since my last post, but I really wanted to come back to this blog and keep it alive :)
There are a few more post that should be coming shortly but for today I just wanted to publish this very nice page that has some good body language basics. Have a look HERE. ( Thanks to Allison Morris for the link )

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